Corriere della Sera | October 2022

This is what emerges from the Edufin 2022 International Observatory created by FINER Finance Explorer for Pictet AM Italia.
Interest in finance grows significantly compared to 2021, growth is driven above all by non-investors and students: the changed geopolitical context and the effects on inflation and economic instability have contributed significantly to raising awareness even among the less involved.
Drivers/barriers: it is essential to talk about life projects (especially among women and young people), how to save and manage their money.
Institutions enjoy the greatest trust to be super partes, for banks and insurance companies fiducia has room for improvement: students and non-investor savers trust blogs and influencers more. This in addition to exposing to the risk of manipulation / fraud has a negative impact on the image of the financial sector, disqualified to mere gambling. Financial education is an antidote to increasingly frequent cases of pump & dump (GameStop, Jake Freeman with Bed Bath & Beyond ) practiced through the uncontrolled use of social networks.